There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different kinds of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone.
St. Michael's Prep is a premier academic school, rooted in Catholic Christian values.
St. Michael's Prep combines the best of highly acclaimed Independent schools with the extraordinary and grounding traditions of the Catholic faith, forming one unique and rich experience. The depth and rigor of a St. Michael's Prep education is second to none.
Our approach to educating the whole child through innovative instruction is guided by our commitment to Catholic Social Teachings and anchored in our core values of Integrity, Courage and Excellence.
St. Michael's Prep students are challenged to think critically and creatively in a warm, welcoming environment that places a priority on raising ethical, kind, global citizens who will be our next servant leaders.
According to the United Conference of Catholic Bishops, “the Church's social teaching is a rich treasure of wisdom about building a just society and living lives of holiness amidst the challenges of modern society. Modern Catholic social teaching has been articulated through a tradition of papal, conciliar, and episcopal documents.” The depth and richness of this tradition is something we intentionally guide our students to understand and live by in developmentally appropriate ways from PreK through senior year to then use as they move forward into their bright futures and work to positively impact the world.
The Cardinal virtues of Prudence, Temperance, Justice, and Fortitude anchor our Catholic identity. Each is essential to the St. Michael's Prep experience, where we prize educating the whole child through deliberate and intentional formation in a faith-filled community. Daily and weekly activities are designed to enlighten and reinforce these foundational tenets.
Each Monday, our Lower and Middle School communities come together in prayer to remind us of why we are here, providing context to our learning and reinforcing expected behaviors. This time provides an opportunity to highlight achievements, sports and academic successes and to share important information for the week. Additionally, on Fridays, Lower School and Middle School students gather by division to share personal reflections and prayers appropriate to those age groups.
Similar to the Lower and Middle Schools, our Upper School comes together in prayer to provide context to our learning and reinforce expected behaviors each Monday. This time provides an opportunity to highlight achievements, sports, fine arts, and academic successes as well as to share important information for the week.
On Wednesdays, weekly Masses are held by division: Lower and Middle Schools together, and Upper School separately.
Four times per year, PreK-12th grade celebrate All-School Mass in the Carter Gymnasium together:
Mass to Honor Bishop McCarthy (August, Induction of new Board of Trustees)
Archangel Mass and Day of Service (September 29 or thereabouts; a celebration of our patron saints)
Ash Wednesday (February-March timeframe; the beginning of Lent)
Mass to Honor Bishop McCabe (April, Celebration of significant community volunteerism)
Each Wednesday we gather as a community, Catholic and non-Catholic, to celebrate Christ as the foundation of St. Michael's Prep. He empowers us to discover and grow our unique gifts and talents and learn how best to use them. Attendance during these celebrations is essential and expected.
Lower and Middle School Mass is hosted by a specific grade, providing a unique experience to lead through participation in choir, as greeters, readers, and gift bearers. Upper School Mass is led by the Senior Leadership Team and Worship Choir each week.
One of the most beloved, long-standing traditions at St. Michael's Prep Lower and Middle Schools is that of “Mass Buddy”, offering Middle School students the opportunity to role model for younger students by demonstrating respectful behavior and active participation during Mass. We also celebrate milestone events such as the First Communion of our 2nd graders in the Bread of Life Mass, and our Senior Graduation in the Baccalaureate Mass.
Religion is an experience of the heart, mind, and soul. In the Lower School, students explore the fundamentals of the Catholic faith, learn the importance of love and kindness, and develop an understanding of Jesus and the Bible. As students transition to Middle School, they are asked to take the content learned in class, reflect on it deliberately, and apply it to their lives in a practical way in service of others. This requires depth of thought, eloquence, clarity in writing, and a thorough understanding of the subject matter, allowing students to grow in relationship with Christ and in appreciation of a faith that is open to mystery, discovery, and finding Christ in all things. In the Upper School, we hope to cultivate a faith environment in which our students can readily encounter Christ in a way that completely shapes their lives. Our goal is to form students in heart, mind, and soul who use their theological knowledge to inform their daily living as responsible participants in their communities. The four-year Upper School theology curriculum includes studies of Church History, Ethics and Social Justice, and World Religions.
St. Michael’s Prep develops loving, compassionate leaders and scholars inspired by the Gospel to act in solidarity with all people.
Social and emotional well being are essential to the education of the whole child. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is well researched and has led to new and effective pedagogical approaches. Our Catholic values go hand and hand with SEL, and our faculty is well trained in methodology which supports our goal of improving consistency, delivery, and outcomes. It is our mission and calling to care for the whole child and mold them into their best possible selves.
What you can expect from St. Michael's Prep
Extraordinary Educational Experience
We believe in creating an exceptional education where the dignity of each individual is honored and respected.
A Joyful Presence
Our Chaplains lead us in creating a warm and welcoming faith environment for all in our community.
Integrity, Courage, Excellence
Our core values equip us to live a life of courage to do what is right, the judgment to make good choices, the ability to control our actions, and to treat others fairly.
Our Community
With love in all things, we are inspired to live in community as Christ taught us.
Unique Traditions
List of 4 items.
Mass Buddies
Since our doors first opened, the Mass Buddy Tradition has paired our youngest students with Middle School students who act as role models during Mass and other shared activities.
Advent Festival of Lessons & Carols
Each year we celebrate a joyful service that combines scripture and song to tell the story of the birth of Christ. The Advent Festival of Lessons & Carols highlights the incredible Fine Arts talents of our students as they offer this prayer service to the community.
Last Supper Reenactment
On Holy Thursday our 3rd grade students lead our community in a cherished tradition that reminds us of the gift Christ gave each one of us.
Kairos Retreats
Meaning "God's Time" in Greek, Kairos is a student-led retreat for Juniors and Seniors that allows students the opportunity to step back from the many demands in their lives in order to intentionally reflect on their relationships with God, with themselves, and with others.
Since St. Michael's Prep does not receive public funding, it is independent from public education mandates and regulations, school boards, unions and state agencies. This means that St. Michael's Prep is a private school who has the authority to determine, implement and evaluate the entire educational program for the school and make all personnel decisions and desired changes.
The leadership at St. Michael's Prep is provided by an appointed Head of School and a self-perpetuating Board of Trustees who are not elected by the residents of a public school district, but instead are invited to serve. The school’s mission, educational principles and practices—not popular opinion or majority vote—dictate the school’s direction and programs.
As an independent Catholic school, St. Michael's Prep receives minimal support from the Diocese of Austin. Because we are not affiliated with a particular Catholic parish, we are not part of a parish’s operating budget. Diocesan or parish schools are church-affiliated, which means they receive and are dependent upon financial support from a local church and/or a diocese.
While parishes or churches must distribute their resources among several ministries because they have multiple priorities and obligations including a school, St. Michael's Prep can focus solely on the educational and spiritual development of its students. This singular commitment is reflected in the quality of the faculty, facilities, extensive educational and spiritual programs and opportunities available to St. Michael's Prep students.
Finally, St. Michael's Prep Catholic School operates under the auspices of the Bishop and receives accreditation from the Texas Catholic Conference Education Department (TCCED), which assures that it maintains a clear and strong Catholic identity. And though St. Michael's Prep does not have a church on the school property, it does have 2 chapels with a Eucharistic presence open throughout the school day for all members of the community. St. Michael's Prep is fully accredited by the Independent School Association of the Southwest (ISASW).
Yes, all faiths are welcome at St. Michael's Prep! In fact, more than a third of St. Michael's Prep students are not Catholic. As a Catholic school we are a community of openness and inclusivity. Indeed, the root of the word “Catholic” (katho likos) means “universal” or “embracing all.” As Cardinal Avery Dulles, S.J. observes: “To be truly Catholic, in the literal sense of the word, is to be universal and open to all truth and goodness from whatever source it may come.”
Students and families from diverse backgrounds join our school community, adding richness and depth to our journey. By opening our minds, hearts, and spirits to others, we grow in our understanding of ourselves and one another. By moving past our personal experiences, we begin to appreciate the rich and varied gifts present not only in our school community, but also in the larger world outside of St. Michael's Prep. At the same time, we ask that all parents and students support the mission of St. Michael's Prep and appropriately participate in our Catholic traditions regardless of their particular faiths.
Families who choose an Independent Catholic education seek an academic community with a commitment to excellence, service, and a spiritual and moral center. The specific reasons for a non-Catholic family to select St. Michael's Prep, in particular, for their child’s education include:
The extraordinary faculty
The academic advantage and commitment to excellence in all areas of school life
The programmatic emphasis on virtues, service and leadership
The freedom to express and discuss religion and values
The innovative and differentiating school programs and opportunities
The strong focus on preparing world-ready citizen leaders
St. Michael's Prep has received full accreditation from the Texas Catholic Conference Education Department (TCCED) ( and the Independent School Association of the Southwest (ISASW) (, two accrediting bodies that evaluate the school’s mission, identity, instructional programs and practices. The school is also a proud member of the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) and Catholic Schools Diocese of Austin (CSDA).
St. Michael’s Catholic Preparatory School does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, age, gender, national or ethnic origin in : (i) the admission of students; (ii) the offerings of rights, privileges, programs, or activities generally made available to their students; or (iii) the administration of educational policies, financial grant programs, athletic programs, employment practices or policies, or other school-administered programs.