

St. Michael's Prep is a place where effort, problem solving, and service are valued, and students are empowered to make thoughtful decisions and care for others. Our community enables students to become global citizens and future-ready leaders who will courageously impact the world through their faith, ideas, vision, and service.

Our Philosophy

St. Michael's Prep inspires our Preschool, Kindergarten, Lower School, Middle School, and Upper School students to strengthen their minds and hearts in their quest for knowledge and excellence. Our school community supports and challenges students across grades and curricula to work to their full potential through an intentional philosophy based upon several key components.

List of 12 items.

  • Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

    St. Michael's Prep integrates the teaching of emotional intelligence into daily life through Social Emotional Learning (SEL), which is fundamental to a student's social and emotional development, ethical development, citizenship, motivation to achieve, success and happiness.

    "SEL is a process through which students and adults understand and manage emotions, set, achieve, and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions." (

    All of our decisions, both curricular and non-curricular, are made through the lens of our Catholic identity as it flows through SEL practice.
  • Differentiated Learning

    St. Michael's Prep develops each student's potential through the process of differentiated learning, where teachers use a variety of instructional strategies based on student readiness levels, interests and preferred mode of learning. Differentiation is achieved through workshop models in Language Arts and Math, as well as through Project-Based Learning and STEAM practices infused throughout all areas of curriculum. This differentiated approach also encourages student self-awareness and self-advocacy as they mature as learners.
  • Challenging and Enriched Curriculum

    St. Michael’s Prep fosters scholastic achievement through a challenging and enriched curriculum in language arts, social studies, foreign language, math, history, geography, science, religion, music, fine and performing arts, and physical education. Our goal is to encourage student engagement, curiosity, and perseverance to achieve optimal learning throughout their years with us and beyond.
  • Service Learning

    Service Learning begins and ends with empathy for others in our local and global communities with the goal of understanding our connection to humanity. Service Learning, therefore, provides rich, grade-level educational experiences and school-wide community service opportunities that combine academics with public service.
  • Catholic Identity

    Catholic Identity is seen throughout our school in an emphasis on prayer, sacraments, service, and community. With an unwaivering dedication to the common good, our students, faculty, staff, and families model themselves on the Cardinal Virtues of Prudence (Sound Judgment), Justice (Responsibility), Fortitude (Personal Courage), and Temperance (Self-Mastery). Guided by the Holy Spirit, and through an understanding of Catholic Social Teachings, a commitment to treating everyone with respect and dignity lies at the heart of all we do.
  • STEAM and Innovation

    STEAM and Innovation are infused into the learning experience that enable students to practice problem-based, experiential, constructivist learning and design thinking to create meaningful solutions for real-world problems, while also developing perseverance as they tackle complex problems requiring an iterative process to achieve solutions.
  • Daily Physical Education and Inclusive Athletics Program

    Essential life skills such as sportsmanship, leadership, teamwork, managing adversity, and increasing perseverance are highlighted as students participate in daily Physical Education classes in the Lower School as well as through inclusive Athletic Programming in the Middle and Upper Schools.  Most important of all, our students have FUN!
  • Health and Wellness

    Full-time counselors at the Lower/Middle and Upper Schools work to meet the social and emotional needs of all students and families. Full-time registered nurses oversee the health and wellness policies and programs that ensure a healthy school environment.
  • Library Collection

    The Lower and Middle School Library houses a library collection of more than 25,000 books, multi-media items, resources and equipment for use by students, faculty and parents.  The Upper School Research Hub provides an extensive digital library and resources for research for use by students and faculty alike.
  • Student Support Services

    Our skilled and dedicated Student Support Services team provides assistance and enrichment for students, teachers, and families for the learning paths of students who learn differently. Students in grades Pre K-2nd are supported on a developmentally needed basis, and students in 3rd-12th grades are supported in alignment with accommodation plans.
  • Technological Resources

    St. Michael's Prep provides best-in-class technological resources to enhance student learning, including 1:1 iPads in Pre K-4th grade, a 1:1 laptop program in Middle and Upper Schools, as well as access to and use of top of the line technology in the Design Lab, the Design Studio, as well as throughout the HALO building at the Upper School.
  • Writing Emphasized Across the Curriculum

    The ability to express thoughts into the written word is an essential component to success throughout a student's academic journey at St. Michael's Prep and beyond. Thus, writing is emphasized across the curriculum, which teaches students to use a higher level of thinking across subjects that challenges them to analyze and process what they read through writing. 
St. Michael’s Catholic Preparatory School maintains dual accreditation by Independent Schools of the Southwest and the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops. 

St. Michael’s Catholic Preparatory School does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, age, gender, national or ethnic origin in : (i) the admission of students; (ii) the offerings of rights, privileges, programs, or activities generally made available to their students; or (iii) the administration of educational policies, financial grant programs, athletic programs, employment practices or policies, or other school-administered programs.