• St. Michael's Catholic Preparatory School Seal - White


Student Life


Ensuring the Health & Safety of Our Students

Addressing student health consists of many different components.  It incorporates the complete mental, physical, and social well-being of the child.  St. Michael's Prep encourages healthy behaviors for all of our students, staff, and families. St. Michael's Prep will continue to follow the guidelines for universal precautions to also prevent the spread of illness as it occurs. Additionally, our school nurses are always available to answer questions.

A systemic approach to addressing each student’s health needs begins with our computerized charting system, Magnus Health.  Every August, new students, as well as returning students' charts must be updated with current health information, including health history, physical exams/health screenings, immunization records, medication lists, chronic conditions and/or allergies.  Students with severe allergy/asthma, diabetes, or epilepsy must place an “action plan” on file with the nurse prior to the beginning of the school year.

List of 9 items.

  • Annual Hearing, Vision, Acanthosis Nigricans, and Scoliosis Screenings

    These Lower and Middle School screenings are provided in the fall to all new students, and yearly/every other year depending on the age of the student.
    • Vision/Hearing- PK4, Kinder, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th grade
    • Spinal Screening- Girls age 10 or (5th grade) and age 12 (7th grade), Boys age 13 or 14 (8th grade)
    • Acanthosis Nigricans- 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th grade.
  • Food Allergies/Dietary Restrictions

    These may also be noted in Magnus Health.  Please email the school nurse separately in order to alert the cafeteria staff of any changes needed.
  • Health Policies

    A  student may attend school, if he/she has been fever free for 24 hours without the  use of anti-fever medication. A fever is defined as an oral temperature of 100° or greater. Students returning to school before 24 hours has passed will be sent home.

    Other communicable diseases may also keep a student from attending school. Students should remain at home when they exhibit the first symptoms of a disease. 

    A doctor’s note may be required if illness is prolonged or if there is a question of communicability such as rashes, sore throats, eye infections, or swollen glands. If a student is placed on antibiotics, he or she may return to school after 24 hours of taking the antibiotic and is symptom free. 
  • Medication Administration

    Over the counter and prescription medication may be administered at school with a proper consent form, signed by a parent, and on file (found in Magnus Health).  All medications supplied to the school must be labeled with the student’s name, date-of-birth, name of medication, dosage, and time.
  • Severe Allergies, Anaphylaxis, Epi Pens

    Severe student allergies may also be noted in Magnus Health. If the allergy can cause anaphylaxis, a separate allergy/anaphylaxis management form must be completed. Epi pens, if needed, will remain in the nurse’s office unless otherwise specified. Epi pens must be labeled with student’s name, date-of-birth, name of medication, and dosage.
  • Required Immunizations

    All students enrolled in a Catholic school in the State of Texas must be immunized against vaccine preventable diseases in accordance with the immunization schedule adopted by the Texas Department of State Health Services. A student who fails to present the required evidence shall not be accepted for enrollment.  The only exemption to this requirement is a medical exemption signed by a licensed physician (Form 311). Immunizations are not in conflict with the Catholic faith, therefore conscientious exemptions will not be accepted. The current list of required vaccines completed by Kindergarten:

    DTaP (5 doses), Polio (4 doses), Hepatitis A (2 doses), Hepatitis B (3 doses), MMR (2 doses), and Varicella (2 doses).

    In addition, 7th grade vaccine requirements are an additional Tdap booster, and quadrivalent Meningitis.
  • Magnus

    St. Michael's Prep uses Magnus Health, a secure online software program for collecting student health records and managing student health information.
  • Concussion Policies & Forms

    Concussions and head injuries are taken seriously at St. Michael's Prep.  Should a student experience a hit to the head in any way during school hours, our school nurse will call parents to discuss next steps. Should a concussion be diagnosed, our nurse and the Division Head will work together with the student's parents and physician to engage the Concussion Protocols for Returning to Learn and Returning to Play.

    Please click here to view our concussion protocol.
  • Diabetes Care

    Our school nurses are trained in Type I diabetes care. Please contact our nurse with specific questions or concerns.

    • StMichael-crest-2C

Meet the Team

List of 5 members.

  • Tracy Robson 

    Lower & Middle School Nurse
  • Neilia Bliss 

    Upper School Nurse & Anatomy Instructor
  • Mallory Eastwood 

    Lower & Middle School Nurse
  • Libby Olson 

    Lower & Middle School Counselor
  • Rachel Freedline 

    Upper School Counselor
St. Michael’s Catholic Preparatory School maintains dual accreditation by Independent Schools of the Southwest and the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops. 

St. Michael’s Catholic Preparatory School does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, age, gender, national or ethnic origin in : (i) the admission of students; (ii) the offerings of rights, privileges, programs, or activities generally made available to their students; or (iii) the administration of educational policies, financial grant programs, athletic programs, employment practices or policies, or other school-administered programs.