
Mission & Core Values

Our Mission

St. Michael’s Prep cultivates a transformative, Independent school experience rooted in Catholic spirituality where we seek excellence in every pursuit and form virtuous leaders who positively impact the world.
    • StMichael-crest-2C

Our Core Values

List of 3 items.

  • Integrity

    • We respect ourselves and others.
    • We demonstrate high standards of academic integrity.
    • We behave with honesty, responsibility, and trustworthiness.
    • We treat others with dignity and respect.
    • We handle our disagreements with civility and respect, face-to-face, not over email or text.
    • We treat others with extraordinary kindness.
    • We use our manners daily and consistently.
    • We greet each other and adults positively.

    • We work in positive partnership with the school.
    • We act and communicate with consistent respect towards other families and school personnel.
    • We engage in face-to-face conversations and do not defer to text or email.
    • We assume best intentions in other families and school personnel.
    • We work for the common good of our school community, care for and go the extra mile for each other.
    • We consistently model positive, mission-aligned behavior at all school events.

    Faculty & Staff
    • We work in positive partnership with our colleagues and families to support students.
    • We act with consistent respect towards colleagues, families, and students.
    • We assume best intentions in our colleagues, families, and students.
    • We engage in face-to-face conversations and do not defer to text or email.
    • We work for the common good of our school, care for and go the extra mile for each other.
    • We consistently model positive, mission-aligned behavior.
    • We strive to always do the right thing, even when difficult.
    • We are accountable for our choices.
    • We rigorously protect student confidentiality.
    • We embrace our responsibilities as role models.
    • We embrace different styles of learning and diversity of ideas.
    • We do what is best for the student.
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  • Courage

    • We aspire to never give up and to persevere even when faced with a challenge.
    • We endeavor to take appropriate academic risks and try new things in the classroom even when it seems uncomfortable and difficult.
    • We hold ourselves accountable for our choices and do not blame others.
    • We work towards increasing our independence over time, even when it is challenging.
    • We utilize the power of our own voices to advocate for ourselves respectfully and confidently in the classroom.
    • We care for the common good and do not stand quietly by in the presence of injustice.

    • We embrace our own and our children’s mistakes as opportunities for growth and learning.
    • We are willing to trust in the expertise of the school.
    • We allow our students to take appropriate academic risks and feel temporary discomfort to build perseverance.
    • We extend grace when our child is struggling in any area of their school experience.

    Faculty & Staff
    • We do not engage with negativity among colleagues and instead courageously disengage.
    • We make ourselves vulnerable to ask for help and seek feedback from colleagues for the betterment of our students’ experience.
    • We do not shy away from an important conversation with colleagues or families when it is in support of a positive school climate and student experience.
    • We come fully committed to our work everyday.
    • We admit when we have made a mistake and ask forgiveness.
    • We speak up and stand up appropriately and with respect when something is of concern.
    • We claim no special privileges with each other.
    • We anticipate the needs of our colleagues.
    • We rigorously protect student safety
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  • Excellence

    • We work hard to meet academic expectations, and self-advocate for support from our teachers when needed.
    • We openly demonstrate empathy for and strive for understanding of others.
    • We commit to be our best selves in every interaction and decision.
    • We demonstrate servant leadership.
    • We hold ourselves accountable for our choices.
    • We are careful with our words and use them to build relationships with all those in our community.

    • We listen deeply and have clear and respectful communications with the school.
    • We value the teacher-parent relationship and honor the expertise of the teacher in the classroom.
    • We are empathetic to challenges all parents face as children grow.
    • We work collaboratively with other families to create a supportive parenting network in the school.
    • We joyfully give our time, talent, and treasure in support of our school community.

    Faculty & Staff
    • We plan and execute an educational experience that engages the mind, body, and spirit of our students.
    • We are responsive to the dignity of each individual student’s developmental journey and academic needs.
    • We communicate clearly, effectively, and respectfully with our students, colleagues, and families.
    • We openly demonstrate empathy for our students, colleagues, and families.
    • We display respect, kindness, and trust in our colleagues’ expertise and actively demonstrate a positive attitude with one another.
    • We hold ourselves to high expectations to be our best selves each day for our students.
    • We hold ourselves and each other accountable.
    • We give each other timely and well-considered responses.
    • We constantly improve our performance through continuous learning.
    • We honor student work and return it promptly with corrections and remarks; we reject assigning busywork.
    • We model our expectations in the way we treat students and each other.
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Why are the Mission and Core Values important to St. Michael’s Prep?

Both are essential foundational frameworks for the culture of St. Michael’s Catholic Preparatory School.  How the Mission and Core Values translate into daily actions in small and large, seen and unseen ways, have a direct impact on the culture of our school.  Thus, all departments - Athletics, Advancement, Admissions, Academics, Business, IT, Facilities - conduct daily business and make decisions within the framework of the Mission and Core Values.  Who we hire to teach, coach, and support our students must demonstrate intrinsically these traits and commitments.  Parent participation must align with the Mission and Core Values as well.  Student behavior by extension is modeled upon these ideals.
Each part of our school community is a part of this whole and as such operates within the same framework.

List of 4 items.

  • Expectations of Faculty & Staff

    Integrity, excellence, and courage; professionalism at all times, self-awareness that the students are watching adult behavior, problem-solving, conflict resolution, and are taking cues for their own development.  Positive interactions with students, other adults, even when solving disagreements.  Ability to positively hold students accountable for academic, athletic, performance and behavior expectations.  Intentional, consistent, clear, and positive communication with parents.
  • Expectations of Parents

    positivity, active and positive engagement in school events, open support for faculty, staff, and coaches; constructive and calm communication with staff, other parents, and students; positive and encouraging behavior at school events; demonstrated trust and collaboration with the school in matters regarding student success.
  • Expectations of Students

     Ongoing adherence to academic and behavior expectations of SMCPS; positive interactions with other students; demonstrative respect for faculty and staff, and for their decisions; commitment to giving best effort; ability to hold self accountable for actions and decisions as an overall part of the St. Michael’s Prep community.
  • Expectations of all School Programs

    Alignment within overall school Mission and Core Values in terms of decision-making, hiring of staff, educational and programmatic decisions.  Our goal is to be the premier educational opportunity for students and families in central Texas.  This means that Integrity, Courage, and Excellence must be visible at every level of operations, and in all family interactions with any person or program of the school.  These are the same expectations of staff, students, and families in all departments from PK-12.  Mission and Values-aligned decision-making, even when that is difficult.  Sights should always remain on the overall success of the School as a whole.

Our Policies

List of 4 items.

  • Ethics and Integrity in Ministry (EIM)

    Ethics and Integrity in Ministry (EIM) compliance is required of all clergy, religious, seminarians, diocesan employees, parish and Catholic school employees, and adult lay persons who volunteer in ministry with minors or vulnerable adults; or in any ministry, program or organization that serves youth or vulnerable adults in any manner, or functions at a time and place where they are typically present. To be compliant, one submits an EIM Application for Ministry (one time only) and attends an EIM Workshop every three years. Contact your parish/school EIM site administrator or go to www.austindiocese.org/eim-compliance to learn more about the EIM Application and EIM Workshop.

    If you are a victim of sexual abuse and have concerns regarding your attendance at a workshop, please contact Emily Hurlimann at (512) 949-2447 to discuss an alternative workshop arrangement.
  • How to Report an Incident of Concern

    The Diocese of Austin is committed to preventing harm from happening to any of our children or vulnerable adults. Go to www.austindiocese.org/ (or call the EIM Office at 512-949-2447) to learn what to do, and how to report, if you suspect sexual or physical abuse and/or neglect of a child or vulnerable adult; and what to do if the suspected abuse is by clergy, or an employee or volunteer of any diocesan parish, school or agency.
  • Non-Discrimination Policy

    Schools within the Diocese of Austin do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in: (i) the admission of students; (ii) the offerings of rights, privileges, programs, or activities generally made available to their students; or (iii) the administration of educational policies, admissions policies, loan programs, athletic programs, employment practices or policies, or other school-administered programs.
  • St. Michael’s Prep Non-Discrimination Policy

    St. Michael’s Catholic Preparatory School does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, age, gender, national or ethnic origin in : (i) the admission of students; (ii) the offerings of rights, privileges, programs, or activities generally made available to their students; or (iii) the administration of educational policies, financial grant programs, athletic programs, employment practices or policies, or other school-administered programs.
St. Michael’s Catholic Preparatory School maintains dual accreditation by Independent Schools of the Southwest and the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops. 

St. Michael’s Catholic Preparatory School does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, age, gender, national or ethnic origin in : (i) the admission of students; (ii) the offerings of rights, privileges, programs, or activities generally made available to their students; or (iii) the administration of educational policies, financial grant programs, athletic programs, employment practices or policies, or other school-administered programs.