• St. Michael's Catholic Preparatory School Seal - White



Service Learning

At St. Michael's Prep, love and compassion for others lies at the heart of all we do.

Service Learning at the Lower and Middle School

As a Catholic school, we are called to serve with empathy, compassion, and love. At St. Michael’s Prep, we answer this call with a commitment to developing enduring, authentic community connections that allow us to integrate meaningful service with innovative instruction and thoughtful reflection.

List of 3 items.

  • An Education Method Combining Academic Goals & Community Service Projects

    Throughout their time at St. Michael's Prep, our students engage in service learning, which is an educational method that combines academic goals with community service projects and emphasizes reciprocity and deep respect for the dignity of all people. Our students maintain lasting partnerships with local organizations and work collaboratively to solve real-world problems. They are involved with direct and indirect service that includes research, advocacy, and hands-on projects. At every level, our students explore the impacts of their actions using a progressive model as it applies to self, school, community, and global connections. They work independently and partner with fellow classmates, non-profits, schools, government officials, and other community members in an effort to care for God’s creation and His people.
  • Strengthening Valuable Skills Through Experience

    From Pre-K 3 through 8th grade, our students promote and protect biodiversity and our natural habitats, raise awareness for issues that include clean water, food insecurity, quality education, and social justice. Through these experiences, our students further develop and strengthen valuable skills like self-awareness, social awareness, responsible decision making, and empathy; these social emotional learning (SEL) skills are integral to student success. SEL serves as the foundation for all learning at St. Michael's Prep, but is especially significant to service learning as it cultivates the skills necessary to make, form, and deepen relationships.
  • Beyond Service Learning

    Beyond service learning, our students, faculty, staff, and parents regularly participate in community service. This philanthropic work includes donation drives, fundraisers, and opportunities to volunteer in order to further serve, support, and strengthen our local and global communities.

Community Service at the Upper School

The focus on Service Learning continues as students matriculate into the Upper School.  We are called through Catholic Social Teachings to follow the example of Jesus and recognize the dignity of every human person through service to the larger community. Additionally, a four-year service requirement at the Upper School fosters a commitment to a lifetime of giving to the local and global community, instilling the belief that service to others is expected and required. Students involve themselves in projects such as preparing daily meals for homeless children, visiting and befriending the elderly, sponsoring events for programs geared toward the needs of the disabled and those in poverty, and numerous other collaborations with a wide variety of organizations. The opportunities are endless! Service at St. Michael’s is a way of life, a cornerstone of the educational experience. 

Matthew 5:13-16

YOU are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket; it is set on a lampstand, where it gives light to all in the house. Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.

Frequently Asked Questions about Upper School Service Requirements

List of 5 frequently asked questions.

  • What are the service requirements for Upper School students?

    • 20 hours minimum due at the end of each academic year
    • Four-year students must have 80 hours completed by the end of their senior year
    • Transfer students must complete the minimum number of hours for each year while in attendance at St. Michael's
  • How are service hours logged?

    Service hours are logged using the MobileServe app, which is accessed through an iPhone, Android app, or Internet browser.

    Service for the school year begins on June 1st and ends on May 31st of the following year.  Service awards are determined based on hours submitted by March 15 of each school year.
  • What counts as service?

    • Anything on the SMP Recommended Service Opportunities List
    • SMP Service Trips (hours vary per trip)
    • Leading an SMP retreat 
    • Service hours acquired elsewhere must be at a non-profit organization that has principles consistent with Catholic values
    • Students are encouraged to find service opportunities that facilitate direct encounters with the poor, materially and spiritually
  • What does not count as service?

    • Service to family members and friends like babysitting siblings, tutoring classmates, driving people to school or mowing the lawn
    • Working for an individual person
    • Internships
    • Political action and fundraising
    • Managing a sports team, SMP or otherwise
    • Students may not receive any type of compensation for service.
  • What service recognition awards are available?

    • St. Teresa of Calcutta Award - This award is granted to every student who completes 100+ service hours in the current academic school year. Recipients are recognized at the Awards Ceremony held in the spring. The deadline for entering hours in MobileServe for recognition at the ceremony is March 15.
    • Love in Action Award - This award is granted to every student who has contributed 200+ hours of service during high school. Recipients are recognized at graduation and wear a gold cord to honor the achievement.

Meet the Team

List of 2 members.

  • Barb Creed 

    Dean of Students/Director of Service Learning
  • Rae Harrison 


Cardinal Virtues

We strive to live and model the Cardinal Virtues as they frame how we serve. We are inspired by Saint Teresa of Calcutta: “Faith in action is love, and love in action is service.”
St. Michael’s Catholic Preparatory School maintains dual accreditation by Independent Schools of the Southwest and the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops. 

St. Michael’s Catholic Preparatory School does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, age, gender, national or ethnic origin in : (i) the admission of students; (ii) the offerings of rights, privileges, programs, or activities generally made available to their students; or (iii) the administration of educational policies, financial grant programs, athletic programs, employment practices or policies, or other school-administered programs.