• St. Michael's Catholic Preparatory School Seal - White



Strategic Priorities

Lower and Middle School Strategic Priorities 2021-2025

During the 2020-2021 school year, the Board of Trustees commissioned Carney Sandoe consultants to assist the strategic planning process. Many focus groups representing all constituents of the Lower and Middle School met and offered input and feedback to the consultants. A Strategic Plan Committee, consisting of trustees, staff, and parents, distilled the feedback into four strategic areas: Identity, Community, Curriculum and Instruction, and Resources.

List of 4 items.

  • Identity

    The Identity goal calls on us to ensure that all in our community have a deep understanding of what it means to be a premier independent school that is Catholic. It is also essential that our St. Gabriel’s school family is able to communicate that identity clearly and well.
  • Community

    Entrusting us to care for and steward our precious community, the plan’s Community goal is a call to action. As a community of integrity, caring, and excellence, each of us has a responsibility to maintain its openness, inclusivity, diversity, and warmth.
  • Curriculum and Instruction

    Continuous growth and excellence in our curriculum and instruction are the focus of this goal.  As we continue to innovate and inspire our students to thrive academically and spiritually, we will continue to enhance our programming in all areas, while also continuing to focus on our students’ fullest potential through athletics, the arts, and afterschool programs.
  • Resources

    We will be wise stewards of our financial resources and responsibly manage school assets in a manner that efficiently and effectively fulfills our mission and vision. To achieve this Resources goal, we will strengthen our culture of philanthropy and bolster the school’s endowment, which makes possible unabated excellence in all areas for our students today and for years to come.

Upper School Strategic Priorities 2021-2025

Following our accreditations by the Independent Schools of the Southwest (ISAS) and the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops-Education (TCCB-ED) accrediting bodies in 2018 and 2019, respectively, it was determined that setting new strategic priorities would be the next logical step in responding to the many changes that have been begun. In developing the new strategic priorities, the Upper School enlisted the help of all stakeholders to guide the planning process. In addition, focus groups during the rounds of accreditation work, which included faculty and staff, the board of trustees, parents, students, and alumni, contributed to that effort. St. Michael’s Prep Upper School is well-positioned to undertake a broad-based approach to forward planning, fully integrating best practices and trends in the independent school sector.
Following the Independent Schools of the Southwest (ISAS) Accreditation cycle which will conclude for the unified school in January 2025, the St. Michael’s Prep Board of Trustees along with the Head of School will undertake the next Strategic Planning process to include recommendations from the accreditation as the school moves boldly forward into its exciting and unlimited future.
St. Michael’s Catholic Preparatory School maintains dual accreditation by Independent Schools of the Southwest and the Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops. 

St. Michael’s Catholic Preparatory School does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, age, gender, national or ethnic origin in : (i) the admission of students; (ii) the offerings of rights, privileges, programs, or activities generally made available to their students; or (iii) the administration of educational policies, financial grant programs, athletic programs, employment practices or policies, or other school-administered programs.